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Solidity Nested Mapping Subquery


Solidity nested mapping subqueries provide the value stored in a contract's nested mapping (up to 4 nested keys) at some past block. A very useful tool for looking up storage slots/mappings for contract addresses is See also Finding Storage Slots.


Maximum of 128 Solidity nested mapping subqueries. For each mapping, the maximum number of nested keys is 4.


To access data stored in a mapping for a contract at address address at the block number blockNumber, you must first find the storage slot slot of the mapping itself. Then you need to construct a SolidityMapping object using the getSolidityMapping function:

const getSolidityMapping: (
blockNumber: number | CircuitValue,
address: string | CircuitValue,
slot: number | bigint | string | CircuitValue256 | CircuitValue
) => Readonly<SolidityMapping>;

The returned SolidityMapping is an interface with the functions below. Note that all functions in the interface are async.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the SolidityMapping interface:

const mapping: SolidityMapping = getSolidityMapping(blockNumber, address, slot);
const val: CircuitValue256 = await mapping.key(key);
const nestedVal: CircuitValue256 = await mapping.nested([key1, key2, key3]);

SolidityMapping Interface

key: (key: RawCircuitInput | CircuitValue256 | CircuitValue) =>

Retrieves the uint256 value of a specific key in the mapping.

nested: (keys: (RawCircuitInput | CircuitValue256 | CircuitValue)[]) =>

Retrieves the uint256 value of a nested mapping with specific keys keys. This means it returns the value stored at mapping[keys[0]][...][keys[keys.length - 1]]. This function will throw an error if keys.length is not between 1 and 4 inclusive.