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Testing with Foundry

To test your Axiom integration using Foundry tests, we have provided an extension to the standard Foundry test library with Axiom-specific cheatcodes in AxiomTest.sol, which can be used in place of forge-std/Test.sol. Using these cheatcodes requires Node and NPM to be installed in your environment. To install in a Foundry project, run:

forge install axiom-crypto/axiom-std

This library allows you to seamlessly test:

  • Your circuit and contract are compatible, meaning that the circuit verifies a computation with the expected output
  • Your contract processes that output correctly to implement your desired application logic

Setting up AxiomTest

Our AxiomTest.sol library provides cheatcodes for testing Axiom clients and circuits on mainnet and testnet forks. To use it, first import AxiomTest.sol in place of the usual forge-std/Test.sol in your Foundry test contract. This will only work on networks where Axiom V2 is deployed (currently mainnet and sepolia). For setup:

  • Add using Axiom for Query to your test contract
  • Specify your circuit input type as a Solidity struct called AxiomInput, making sure that your types match up with your CircuitValue/CircuitValue256 input types
  • Call _createSelectForkAndSetupAxiom to configure the forked environment and set up Axiom-specific configurations.
  • Specify your Axiom client circuit path, compile the circuit to get your querySchema, and initialize your Axiom client contract with it.

The querySchema is a unique identifier of your Axiom client circuit. When accepting callbacks from Axiom in your client contract, you should validate the callback by checking the querySchema in the callback matches the one corresponding to your client circuit. For more about how querySchema is constructed, see Axiom Query Format.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@axiom-crypto/axiom-std/AxiomTest.sol";
import { AxiomExampleTest } from "./AxiomExample.sol";

contract AxiomExampleTest is AxiomTest {
using Axiom for Query;

struct AxiomInput {
uint64 input0;
uint64 input1;
uint256 input2;
uint64 blockNumber;
address addr;
bytes32 slot;

AxiomExample public axiomExample;
AxiomInput public input;
bytes32 public querySchema;

function setUp() public {
_createSelectForkAndSetupAxiom("sepolia", 5_057_320);

input = AxiomInput({
input0: 0,
input1: 1234,
input2: 5678,
blockNumber: 0,
addr: address(0x0),
slot: bytes32(0)

querySchema = axiomVm.readCircuit("test/circuit/example.circuit.ts");
axiomExample = new AxiomExample(axiomV2QueryAddress, uint64(block.chainid), querySchema);

Test Sending a Query and Receiving a Callback

To test the integration between your Axiom client circuit and callback function implemented in your client contract, we've created the Query struct to facilitate sending and fulfilling queries, as shown in the diagram below. First use the query function to generate a Query struct q. This will generate a ZK proof for the client circuit run on the given inputs and format it correctly into query arguments to be sent on-chain to Axiom V2. You can then call the cheatcode q.send() to send the query to the AxiomV2Query contract. Finally, call the q.prankFulfill() cheatcode, which prank calls the axiomV2Callback function on the target contract from the AxiomV2Query contract.

Axiom test flow in Foundry

    function test_axiomSendQueryWithArgs() public {
// create a query into Axiom with default parameters
Query memory q = query(querySchema, abi.encode(input), address(averageBalance));

// send the query to Axiom

// prank fulfillment of the query, returning the Axiom results
bytes32[] memory results = q.prankFulfill();

// validate that the results are what you would expect, and that the `axiomExample` processed the callback correctly

The prankFulfill cheatcode skips the crucial(!) step of actually validating Axiom query results on-chain. In production, this callback would come from AxiomV2Query after ZK proof verification, but we prank this step here to enable a purely local testing environment.