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Smart Contract Integration

To receive Axiom query results in your smart contract, you will need to implement an Axiom-specific callback function which will be called after the query results have been ZK-verified on-chain. To do this, first install axiom-std in your Foundry project:

forge install axiom-crypto/axiom-std

and add @axiom-crypto/axiom-std/=lib/axiom-std/src to your remappings.txt. Installing axiom-std will also install axiom-v2-periphery, which contains the client smart contracts and interfaces needed to integrate Axiom V2, and Foundry test utilities specific to testing Axiom applications.

Implementing an Axiom Client Contract

To receive callbacks from Axiom V2 in your contract, you will need to extend the AxiomV2Client abstract contract, which is available via @axiom-crypto/v2-periphery. This will require implementing _validateAxiomV2Call and _axiomV2Callback, which validate and implement the callback.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import { AxiomV2Client } from "axiom-crypto/v2-periphery/client/AxiomV2Client.sol";

contract AxiomExample is AxiomV2Client {
bytes32 immutable QUERY_SCHEMA;
uint64 immutable SOURCE_CHAIN_ID;

constructor(address _axiomV2QueryAddress, uint64 _callbackSourceChainId, bytes32 _querySchema)
QUERY_SCHEMA = _querySchema;
SOURCE_CHAIN_ID = _callbackSourceChainId;

function _validateAxiomV2Call(
AxiomCallbackType callbackType,
uint64 sourceChainId,
address caller,
bytes32 querySchema,
uint256 queryId,
bytes calldata extraData
) internal view override {
require(sourceChainId == SOURCE_CHAIN_ID, "Source chain ID does not match");
require(querySchema == QUERY_SCHEMA, "Invalid query schema");

// <Add any additional desired validation>

function _axiomV2Callback(
uint64 sourceChainId,
address caller,
bytes32 querySchema,
uint256 queryId,
bytes32[] calldata axiomResults,
bytes calldata extraData
) internal override {
// <Implement your application logic>

Axiom Callback Format

The AxiomV2Client abstract contract implements the axiomV2Callback callback function:

function axiomV2Callback(
uint64 sourceChainId,
address caller,
bytes32 querySchema,
uint256 queryId,
bytes32[] calldata axiomResults,
bytes calldata extraData
) external {
if (msg.sender != axiomV2QueryAddress) {
revert CallerMustBeAxiomV2Query();
emit AxiomV2Call(sourceChainId, caller, querySchema, queryId);

_axiomV2Callback(sourceChainId, caller, querySchema, queryId, axiomResults, extraData);

This callback will be called by AxiomV2Query after successful query fulfillment. You can implement custom query validation and callback execution by overriding _validateAxiomV2Call and _axiomV2Callback, which have access to:

  • sourceChainId: The numerical ID of the chain that the query was generated from
  • caller: The original address that sent the query to Axiom V2
  • querySchema: A unique hash identifier of the client circuit used to specify the query
  • queryId: A unique identifier for the submitted query, including user-specific information such as the caller and callback addresses
  • axiomResults: An array of the results in bytes32 format
  • callbackExtraData: Arbitrary extra data specified in the query.

In addition, for query validation you can use:

  • callbackType: Whether the query into Axiom was initiated on-chain or off-chain

Query Validation

The _validateAxiomV2Call function allows you to validate Axiom callbacks to ensure they are pertinent to your smart contract. The most frequent checks are:

  • Ensuring the sourceChainId corresponds to the chain you are expecting.
  • Ensuring the querySchema matches the Axiom client circuit you are expecting.

You may also want to check that caller comes from a set of allowed callers or queryId corresponds to an Axiom query previously requested from your contract. To read about what the querySchema is, see Axiom Query Format.

Callback execution

Once validated, the callback data is provided to your contract for execution. The most relevant fields will be the axiomResults array, which contains the outputs of the Axiom client circuit in bytes32 form. Elements of axiomResults correspond to the order in which addToCallback is called in the Axiom client circuit.